Thursday, April 9, 2015

How Do You Export Sweet Potatoes from Kenya to Europe?

This is an article I published two years ago on how you can get certification to export sweet potatoes to Europe.
"Europe is the largest export market for sweet potatoes so producers all over the world are jostling for a share of the European potato market.  As previously noted, the largest sweet potato market in Europe is the UK followed by the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, and Germany. Other European countries also consume small amounts of sweet potatoes.

In order to join the EU market, producers must get a EUREPGAP certification for Good Agricultural Practice. EUREPGAP was developed by retailers in the EU in the late 90s and has since been adopted as the global standard or certification for good agricultural practice, hence the name GLOBAL G.A.P."

I will be producing a comprehensive manual on sweet potato farming in Kenya that will also touch on the process of certification in detail and give you contact details of some of the compliance bodies which are in charge of the certification process in Kenya and East Africa. So keep your eyes open for the release of the first ever Kenyan sweet potato manual for farmers. For more on the article above, check out 

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